Friday, December 13, 2013

And The Winner(s) Is(Are) . . . . . .

Had there been only one gift card to award this would have been a painful loss for one team. But as there are two both Jacksonville and Charleston can be deserving winners. Honorable mention goes to Cincinnati who came on strong from fourth place at last reporting to third, only to come up a bit short. We want to thank you all again for joining us when we had 18 openings last off season and helping us fill the world in just 12 days.

Thanks also to the very generous gifts given by anonymous veteran owners so we could expedite recruiting. wrecks and rookie 30000--your $25 WIS Gift Card should show up in your site mail no later than Monday. Congratulations!


Jacksonville         wrecks                         .370              .525                     + .155   (1)

Charleston            rookie30000                .389              .543                     + .154   (2)

Cincinnati             bbwinksdaddy             .346              .488                      + .142   (4)

New York (AL)      tah3306                     .377               .457                       + .080   (3)

Pittsburgh           ParrishM                     .469               .506                       + .037   (6)

Chicago (NL)      jibe717                        .488               .494                      +.006  (10)

Helena                  psychoch                    .444               .444                       + .000   (5)

Las Vegas            ukwildcats                   .451               .414                      - .037   (7)

El Paso                brentcnb                     .543               .488                        - .055   (8)

Salem                    kelly_mccann              .519              .451                       - .068   (9)

Election Results

Despite the fact that barely more than 1/4 of the owners took the time to vote, it's good at least that the measure carried with a convincing mandate. The Private World Rules will be amended to reflect this change.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Election Day

Today we head to the polls to decide whether or not to change a rule in place. The rationale for this proposed change appears in the post below this one. Voting will take place here on SurveyMonkey all day Thursday, ending at midnight Pacific Time. One vote per team, please. Results will be announced Friday morning.

To give a side by side comparison both the old Rule 3 and the new proposal are here to read once more:

Current Rule

3. Minor League maintenance: Minor Leagues will fall under the same WIS Fair Play Guidelines for fielding a competitive ML team with only exception being the winning percentage which will be lowered to .200 instead of .250 for any one minor league team. Specifically: 

• Minor League team expected winning percentage of less than .200 for at least 80 games of the regular season. 

• Using a starting pitcher at 50% or below fatigue for 10 or more Minor League games in a row. 

• First violation will receive a warning from the Commissioner asking for correction. The second incident will be directed to The Executive Committee for possible removal from Crash Davis. 

New Proposal:

3. Minor League maintenance: Minor Leagues will fall under the same WIS Fair Play Guidelines for fielding a competitive ML team with the following additions:

   Any team using a starting pitcher at 50% or below fatigue for 10 or more Minor League games in a row . . .  

  Any  team with 6 or more players (who are not injured) at zero rest . . . 

  Any team with pitchers playing the field or offensive players pitching for more than 5 games  . . . 

 . . . will be notified and asked by the commissioner to correct the issue. Failure to comply within 10 games of notification will result in referral to the Executive Committee for possible expulsion. If the team is given more time to correct the problem it will be short-term. The second time this occurs will result in the owner's automatic removal from Crash Davis. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Minor League Maintenance Amendments

Fellow Owners,

The Executive Committee met to cobble together together some amendments on the Minor League maintenance rule which is found in Private World Rules , Rule #3. We believe these amendments will help us to target specific areas of poor maintenance and enforce the rule in ways we were unable to this year with a few teams.

Here is the rule as it is currently written:

3. Minor League maintenance: Minor Leagues will fall under the same WIS Fair Play Guidelines for fielding a competitive ML team with only exception being the winning percentage which will be lowered to .200 instead of .250 for any one minor league team. Specifically: 

• Minor League team expected winning percentage of less than .200 for at least 80 games of the regular season. 
• Using a starting pitcher at 50% or below fatigue for 10 or more Minor League games in a row. 
• First violation will receive a warning from the Commissioner asking for correction. The second incident will be directed to The Executive Committee for possible removal from Crash Davis. 

We watched how this rule played out in its first season in use. While we found it a helpful start, the lack of some specifics regarding players made it fairly easy for some teams to circumvent the spirit of the rule for a good portion of the season which left the them woefully non-competitive for much, if not all, of the season. 

We would like to see maintenance of minor league systems tightened where necessary and loosened where it is not. We believe some of us got it close to right last year but the commissioner took our recommendations and trashed them, giving us his agenda which we feel falls short of specifics and enforceability.

Here are the changes we would like to make:

1. Remove the .200 win floor in the minors. 

We think it's totally irrelevant . While it is a very liberal win floor no one really cares about their minor league team's won-loss record--just nurturing the prospects on those teams and protecting them. The notifications to these teams seemed pointless--except for the ones who were falling down in other areas. We would remove the win floor entirely. But that doesn't absolve us of maintaining competitive teams, so . . . 

In place of the win floor we propose the following additions:

2. In addition to not being allowed to field a SP at 50% or below for 10 or more straight minor league games (which is already on the books) we would add: 

a. any minor league team with 6 or more players (who are not injured) at zero rest will be notified and asked by the commissioner to correct the problem. 

b. any team with pitchers playing the field or offensive players pitching for more than 5 games will be asked by the commissioner to correct the problem.

Failure to comply within 10 games of notification will result in referral to the Executive Committee for possible expulsion. If the team is given more time to correct the problem it will be short-term. The second time this occurs will result in automatic removal from Crash Davis. 

These seem like they should be no-brainers to the Committee, but if they aren't specifically written into our Private World Rules they are not enforceable by WIS customer service. And rules with no teeth in them are merely guidelines that can be followed or not.

We believe these changes will strengthen Crash Davis and help us continue on the road to being a top flight HBD world which, let's face it, we have not been for several seasons now. 

We will use all day Wednesday, December 11 to discuss and debate on world chat. Let your opinions be known. The proposal will go before the ownership to vote on for a 24 hour period on Thursday, December 12. Most important to remember is that the Private Rules are a work in progress, trial and error. If this passes we will find out next season if there is enough protection to maintain our goals of making our minors competitive or if we are at least  moving in the right direction.

Please go back to chat now and share your thoughts. I'll set up voting on SurveyMonkey and give you the coordinates Thursday morning. Thanks for taking the time to read and consider this.



Crash Davis

Sunday, December 1, 2013

My Last At Bat

by sermonauthor

I still recall my final class in high school
nervous hours before 
receiving my diploma 
the only reward proffered 
for the singular achievement
of surviving my teenage years

I remember well my last meal
and even the movement that followed

But damned if I can recall my final AB
Something so memorable and deep 
in a career 
so forgettable and shallow 
should be easy to conjure
like a rabbit from a hat 
or the face of Alicia Johnson 
whenever  I catch a whiff of the heather 
in our tended country garden

I know it wasn't in Little League
that I took my final cuts
the hey-batta-batta 
suh-WING batta batta 
ringing in my ears
That day I hit a solid shot to right 
and tore my pint-sized uniform sliding severely
and unsafely 
into second. 

Babe Ruth, Junior Varsity and Legion ball 
all failed 
to serve up that evocative pitch
though there were a few coaches
who likely wished my retirement
had come the year before . . . 

It makes me wonder if company games 
or church softball 
served as The Alamo to a career that
had it been stillborn 
in Pee Wee League
would have never been remembered  
by anyone but my faithful mother 
who never missed a game
or a chance to berate an umpire 

The noise I hear today is either a stoic wind
or something calling from the cornfield. 
They are ghosts from sandlot days 
and they are short
beckoning me from the tall, green stalks 
to come play a game of catch 
and to swing 
one more time
a 24-ounce Willie Mays autographed bat 
from four foot two inches high.

It is then I realize why the detail 
of my final swing 
has eluded this often addled brain
even at an age 
that would make Satchel Paige
seem a rookie
I haven't yet taken my final cuts

And if my last at bat is still in front of me
I really don't want to be late. 

So I find the wooden sliver of 
a near-forgotten youth
that sweet, brown, tarnished treasure
stored in the shed
but more in perpetuity
for half a century
It seems a toothpick now 
And I yell at my wife from half out the door:

"Be gone all day. 
Be back for dinner."

©Copyright 2013 sermonauthor