You may recall in our recruiting drive for Season 21 we offered all owners new to Crash Davis--those who were not with us last season--2 chances to win a Free $25 WIS Gift Card courtesy of the generous CD owners who contributed to the cause. *
The cards will go to the two new owners who guide their clubs to the best improvement in winning percentage based on their franchise's record last season.**
There are 10 clubs competing for the cards. As we have just passed the 1/3 mark of the season it seems like a perfect place to give an update on the contest with Charleston and Jacksonville leading the charge so far. But it's a long season and a lot can happen in the final 2/3 of the season.
Good luck to all!
20 21
Charleston rookie30000 .389 .564 + .175
Jacksonville wrecks .370 .545 + .175
Cincinnati bbwinksdaddy .346 .509 + .163
New York (AL) tah3306 .377 .509 + .132
Salem kelly_mccann .519 .582 + .063
Las Vegas ukwildcats .451 .491 + .040
Helena psychoch .444 .473 + .029
Pittsburgh ParrishM .469 .473 + .004
El Paso brentcnb .543 .509 - .034
**Ties will be broken using the same tiebreaker rules HBD employs.
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